The largest regional
energy event
The WEC Central & Eastern Europe Energy Forum, organized every two years, is the most important regional event and exhibition hosted by the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (WEC/RNC). It serves as a reference for energy specialists in Central and Eastern Europe. The Forum is organized under the auspices of the Romanian Government, with the coordination by the World Energy Council and the kind support of the WEC Member Committees (WEC MCs) in Central and Eastern Europe.

Neptun International Conference Centre, Doina Complex

16-19 June 2024

The Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council, one of the founding members of the the World Energy Council, has made over the years substantial contributions in the development of the energy policy in our country and in promoting the Romanian interests abroad.
The mission of WEC/RNC is sustainable energy development in Romania, through the efficient use of energy resources of all forms. WEC/RNC, which currently brings together more than 350 collective and individual members, aims to actively integrate energy policies in Romania into the major options and trends that are manifesting worldwide